With uncertainty looming large in the job market we are on the verge of another rough phase of recession much of which is rumored or exaggerated (that’s what I want to believe!) Having experienced the 2008 pandemic for myself, couldn’t help thinking of any profession or industry in this whole wide world which is recession proof; which will always ensure a steady cash flow or at least stability come what may. After musing over it for a while I could chalk out a few lucrative options one might consider. They may not apply to the whole of world but they certainly do for the mystery of a place called India!
Cinema has always been an obsession with Indians and the demand just doesn’t seem to diminish. Indian film industry is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds thanks to the increasing presence of Indian artists in world cinema. The exorbitant budgets with which movies are made are breaking records every year and so are the collections made by them. I remember watching movies at 50 bucks in a local theatre, which rocketed to 70, 90 and is now 110 within a span of just 6 years. But has this reduced the number of cinigoers? Not even a bit. Movies with great caliber run to packed houses. Actors make large sums, so do others associated with it. This certainly is a stuff to go for given you are talented or at least have contacts!
Religion takes the second place on the yardstick of reverence whenever India is on a game of cricket. The country being so infectiously crazy over the game is the sole reason why cricket sells in India. I am sure each and every one in that elite squad of 11 makes enough money to last for generations. Let alone the game, they earn heavily on endorsements and social appearances as well. Cricket is never going to diminish in India, even if the entire nation is hit by famine; it is that glorified here. Consider being a cricketer if you believe you have it in you.
If we were to start with a rare case of honest politician in India, you still are ahead of the game. Decent paychecks, long list of allowances, vehicle, accommodation, food…and now let us get into the reality; unaccounted record of property amassed, loads of money stashed overseas, unlimited power says the story. Caught in a scandal? No problem. Our judiciary has plenty of loopholes; you will be free sooner or later. If you have an inborn talent of hiding your wrongdoings, Indian politics is for you. Education no bar, criminal background no bar. Hop in and you will be rich in no time.
Food forms an integral part of culture in India. People splurge on food just like they do on cricket or movies. The only criteria for any food business to survive in India – maintain the quality. Once you are able to establish a brand, a USP in terms of taste, price becomes secondary. Be it a simple vada – pav and tea stall or a posh restaurant, taste is all that matters to Indians. Take any example; the soaring price of any dish has hardly impacted its sale in eateries which is known uniquely for it. Come up with viable and quality recipes and you will earn a recession proof income.
Doctors and engineers are always at loggerheads as to who among them is supreme. Though I am an engineer I would say the answer is the doc. No human body is sickness proof and the situation is much pronounced in present state India clouded with pollution and harsh climate. Doctors are literally money making machines here. Didn’t get a job in any hospital after MBBS? Set up your own clinic and watch patients line up at you doors. It is indeed an ever green profession. Be a doc if you don’t puke at the sight of dissected human parts or pitiful looking patients and of course if you are a stud.
Phew! These are the ones I could think of, enjoying the traffic sitting inside my office bus. There are more options, some of which cannot be discussed! (How about the Desi Boyz way?!). Post them in comments if you can think of any.
Note: the options given above are to be taken in good humor! Rely on your gut instincts, passion and abilities to choose a career path.
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